Cooking with cannabis isn’t very complicated, however the process does require a bit of practice. Edible cannabis products have become trendy due to the fact that they do not convey health risks. Moreover, people love them for their particularly intense effects.
Many edible products exist today varying from sweet to savory flavours. Are you interested in the idea of cooking your weed? Here are some important recommendations for a delicious and effective recipe.
- The amount of cannabis
The quantity of cannabis plays an essential role in the quality of the final product. An excessive amount of cannabis affects the taste of your edible, and its effect is not increased tenfold. This is most specifically the case for cannabis butter, which requires a limited amount of material for the fat to be able to stick. Make sure you use the right proportions!
- Decarboxylation of cannabis
The psychotropic effects of marijuana come from a process called decarboxylation. It involves supplying heat to the flowers to convert the cannabinoid into the psychoactive THC (like when you smoke a joint or vaporize). To do this, simply cook the cannabis at a low temperature for an hour or more. High temperatures destroy the sensitive compounds of the plant as well as its flavor.
- Bud crushing
It is imperative not to grind the flowers too finely as this will make the process counterproductive and make your recipe taste bitter. The idea is to get medium thick crushed buds.
- Water
The use of water during cooking, especially in the preparation of butter, is essential to keep the preparation at a low temperature and to eliminate the risk of a bitter flavor. Water does not alter the psychoactive effects of the plant.
- Mixing ingredients
If you don’t mix the ingredients enough when adding the herb, the potency of each portion will be completely different. This means that one portion of the recipe will be very concentrated while another has no effect. You don’t win anything playing the Russian roulette.
As you can see, cooking with cannabis requires a little bit of practice, attention and above all … patience! So let’s cook!