Mary Jane Rathbun Brownie Mary

Mary Jane Rathbun the Cannabis Legend

Anyone old enough to have lived through the crazy times of the 70s and 80s remembers how different things were in terms of the legality of cannabis.

In fact getting caught with small amounts could see you spend a lengthy time in jail which would mean you would likely lose your job, and more than likely be shamed in your community.

The Lady

People’s opinion on this magical plant has taken many years to mature.

But not this lady, Mary Jane Rathbun AKA Mary Brownie did not frown upon this plant in the same way the government did. 

In fact every time she was arrested since 1981 –  (that time, with 18 pounds/8Kilos) she never apologized to the police or showed any restraint in her open minded view of the medicine she was making.

The Brownies

Mary sold brownies she called ‘Magically delicious’ on the street, but she became famous in the HIV community where she would give them to patients for free.

It goes to show a lot about her character, only wanting to help her gay friends, is how it all started, all of whom she called ‘her children’ .

Mary Jane was a revolutionary and  peaceful cannabis fighter.

Arresting grandma

She was arrested 3 times with substantial amounts of cannabis. Almost all of which would be donated to her by local importers and growers to help her cause. A cause she said in an interview she would readily go to jail for.

Mary; If i can get more ill keep making them. 

Reporter; Even if it means jail? 

Mary; ill go to jail for my cause, your damn right i will. In the beat of a heart.

Said Mary on an Interview in 1991
Brownie Mary the cannabis and AIDS activist.

Her contributions

Not only did she make the brownies to help AIDS patients, which at the time was a fairly taboo subject in its own right.

She was an avid activists, she helped the movements that brought on the first legal medical marijuana dispensaries in California (proposition 215). 

and she also helped pass laws in San Francisco (Preposition P) allowing the use of medical marijuana.

Personal Use

She didnt just make them, she ate them too, she survived colon cancer and walked with 2 fake knees.

When asked in an interview how she wanted to be remembered.

She replied; maybe ill be remembered one day as this fat little old lady that helped get rid of these stupid marihjuana laws – that would be nice -.

Mary Jane Rathbun had a generous soul.

Her Heart

She once said crying in an interview; “as long as I live I will keep helping my kids. They are dying and I will do anything I can to make them as comfortable as possible while they are still here”.

This women with her little old lady appearance and ‘i don’t give a shit’ attitude towards the police made the public adore her. She became well known across the world for her efforts in the legalization of medical cannabis.

But the biggest thing she was known for was her caring and loving and generous nature noot just towards AIDS patients but all people.

Joining forces: Brownie Mary and Dennis Peron.

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