The University of Cartagena partnered with the company Colombia Cannabis Group to study the safety and efficacy of THC in the treatment of several pathologies.
Over the past months, the legal export of medicinal cannabis has been booming in Colombia.
The Canadian company Avicanna, based in Santa Marta, is one of the leaders of medical cannabis exportation in the country. The company could increase its demand by 70% in the following months.

According to ProColombia, the country expects to see its exportation of medical cannabis double in 2022, reaching almost 20 destinations worldwide.
Between January and May 2021, medical cannabis exports reached $2.2 million, an increase of 0.6% compared to the same period in 2020. The United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Israel are the primary buyers of medical cannabis in Colombia, followed by Brazil, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic. In 2020, international sales exceeded 5 million dollars.
The University of Cartagena will partner with Colombia Cannabis Group to study the benefits of medical cannabis.
The University of Cartagena joined Colombia Cannabis Group, to create a research group to study the benefits of medical cannabis on different pathologies.
“We will carry out the investigation in several phases. We are in the extraction phase, and we will work with innovative technologies that are friendly to the environment,” said Fredy Colpas, director of the UdeC research group.

The Cannabis sativa plant has a class of organic compounds, the phytocannabinoids, which activate mammals’ CB1 and CB2 receptors, impacting the nervous, digestive, and endocrine systems, among others. The two main compounds are CBD and THC.
The main function of the endocannabinoid system is to regulate the organism’s homeostasis. This system plays an essential role in many aspects of our neural functions, such as learning and memory, emotion, addictive behavior, feeding and metabolism, pain, and neuroprotection.
Scientific studies have associated CBD with the therapeutic use of cannabis, while THC has been associated with recreational consumption. These compounds seem to be beneficial in treating nervous system diseases, mental health disorders, palliative care, digestive illnesses, and conditions affecting the endocrine system. The research of the University of Cartagena will determine what genetics to use and which compound to favor depending on the patients’ health conditions.