cannabis epilepsy

Cannabis products: the definitive remedy for epilepsy?

A new study published just over a month ago in the United Kingdom once again confirms the great effectiveness of CBD and THC as treatments for a disease that affects more than 50 million people around the world. And which in severe cases , it is difficult to treat, being almost impossible to completely eliminate epileptic or convulsive seizures.

The results of the study published by the magazine Drug Science on December 9 of last year are surprising.

They administered a combination of CBD and THC-based products to 10 patients, aged 2 to 48 years. All diagnosed with severe epilepsies, and the frequency of monthly seizures were reduced an average of 97%, that is, the conditions disappeared almost entirely.

Cannabis means also THC

Conventional medicine is reluctant to apply THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the compounds that is extracted from cannabis. Due to its toxic properties. Contrary to general opinion, the study led by Ryyan Zaffar has shown that regulated and personalized doses of THC (ranged from 6.6 mg to 26.5 mg). Combined with one of the non-toxic components of cannabis, CBD (in doses higher). It can be the expected remedy for millions of people who suffer from severe and fatal degrees of epilepsy and for whom, to this day, there is still no definitive cure.

Quality cannabis is needed

cannabis epilepsy

Experts highlight the need for strict quality control on products and processes to extract these types of components from cannabis. As well as demand more clinical studies that certify the efficacy of cannabinoids as anti-epileptics and the development of legislation that allows the medical prescription of these products. The same authors of the study, in a recent article published on January 8 in the same journal, denounce the barriers, especially bureaucratic, of public health systems and governments. Which prevent the tests carried out from being implemented as normal practices and legal and not on wet paper.

We echo his complaint in support of the struggle of millions of patients who continue to wait for a valid therapeutic alternative to put an end to their ailments by having at their fingertips a proven remedy already used in ancient China against epilepsy: cannabinoids, long life and long research!

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