First Hemp Plane 10 Times Stronger than Steel

Hemp is becoming a huge crop. That is responsible for the creation of a variety of different products, beyond the medicinal uses for which the plant is known. In fact Hemp can be used to make practically anything. From clothing to fuel and even houses. A company called Hempearth is developing the world’s first hemp. The aircraft will be manufactured and powered by hemp.

Hemp is the non-psychoactive member of the cannabis. The world’s first hemp plane will be able to carry four passengers with a single pilot and will have a 36-foot wingspan. The aircraft will run on HEMPEARTH Hemp Jet-A Bio Fuel. Surprisingly, from the seats, the wings, the plane walls to the cushions, everything will contain hemp -said Derek Kesek- founder of Hempearth Group.

Hemp is 10 times stronger than steel and can carry much more weight sooner and break. Also can bend much more than metal. Derek Kesek is interested in hemp as a sustainable material. Speaking of which, Kesek revealed: “This airplane project is our first experiment with industrial hemp and we plan to explore many other uses. Once we establish the structural tests and information for this project, we will apply it to other forms of construction. This is the kind of future we all want here on Earth. The sky may not be the limit. ” 

However, his team has opened the door for people with more resources to give it a shot themselves.

Still, Kesek is optimistic about the project, and said that in the future wants to build a space ship out of hemp.

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