Euthanasia and cannabis: a similar debate.

Is it for anyone to decide when to end our life or to use cannabis? 

Spain recently approved a law legalizing euthanasia which will come into force on June 25 of this year. 

There are two mains reasons to legalize euthanasia. First and foremost, it is about ending suffering, and most particularly, the useless and unnecessary suffering of patients in palliative care waiting to die naturally. This pain is avoidable and one could easily argue on the necessity to keep patients alive just for the sake of keeping them alive even though their fate is inevitable. Cultivating pain is not only but also cruel. 

Secondly, it is about moral, ethics and justice. In fact, when we think about private property, no one argues about the fact that we own clothes, a car, a house. Those belongings are legally considered ours and we can dispose of them pretty much whenever we feel like. Does it make sense then that any authority or anyone would be entitled to decide for us whether we should end our life or not? Our life is the only thing that is truly 100% ours. In fact, it is nobody else’s. 

People suffering from incurable painful sclerosis, rheumatic diseases, people lacking appetite due to intensive chemotherapy or with severe pain from cancer should be allowed to alleviate their suffering in any matter they see fit for themselves, without the risk of being sanctioned or judged. 

Our life belongs to us. 

The same arguments that apply to euthanasia apply to medical cannabis. No one is fit to judge how you should deal with pain if your fate is inevitable anyway.  

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