As a fervent advocate for cannabis, Cannadaily dares to enter the famous debate “CANNABIS VS ALCOHOL”. Why would pot win over booze? Here are eight reasons why.
1. Drinking Alcohol Causes Brain Damage
Unless you’re not aware of it or in complete denial about alcohol’s negative effects on the brain, it is common knowledge that alcohol causes brain damage. Marijuana, however, is known to help prevent alcohol-associated brain damage as well as treat depression.
2. Alcohol is Carcinogenic
Here again, it is common knowledge that alcohol contributes to brain, throat, breast, liver, esophageal and colorectal cancers. In fact, based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5% of cancer deaths in the United States were deemed alcohol-related. Cannabis, however, has been proven to help treat cancer caused by alcohol as well as its symptoms.
3. Alcohol Tends to Be a Violence-inducing Drug.
Though alcohol is not responsible for the action of oneself, it tends to directly enhance whatever feeling we have inside. Alcohol, more than any other substance promotes violent behavior. Marijuana, however, is a very calming and peaceful drug that makes people chill out and even be loving towards others.
4. Alcohol Addiction can be Deadly.
Alcohol is the deadliest of all the drugs. In fact, Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined (opioids included!). Alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. Alcohol withdrawal can lead to permanent brain damage and sometimes death. Though we can’t deny the existence of cannabis withdrawal syndrome, its symptoms are not only less harmful but also less severe than alcohol.
5. Alcohol Prevents Muscle Growth
Alcohol prevents muscle growth in many ways. In fact, it decreases testosterone as well as disturb sleep patterns. Cannabis doesn’t directly affect muscle growth.
6. Alcohol has no therapeutic benefits.
Alcohol simply affects one’s health. It doesn’t involve any positive effects on the health of its users. Marijuana has been used traditionally as a medicine for thousands of years. It in fact has a very long list of physician-approved medical uses and there is still a lot to be discovered about this magic plant.
7. Alcohol Decreases Your Perception to Stimuli.
The only good insight you’ll get from losing your ability to perceive stimuli is when you faceplant at a party. Most likely, with alcohol, you won’t feel a thing. Other than that, losing feeling is pretty lame. Cannabis is well known to increase sensitivity and improve your overall sensorial experience. Sex included.
8. Taking decisions when you are drunk usually turn… badly.
Alcohol doesn’t have the reputation to make people smart. In fact, the substance usually leads to risk decision-making. With a bit of luck, those decisions turn out to be fun. Most of the time, it simply is dangerous. Even though science hasn’t fully grasped cannabis’ effects on the decision making process, it has been proven that stoners usually come to the same decision as their sober folks. The main difference lies in the speed of the decision process, which tends to be much… slower with cannabis.
So then dear reader, alcohol or cannabis?