italy cannabis rush

Italy on the Cannabis Rush

Benjamin Disraeli once said; There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.

So It won’t come as a shock to hear statistics around drug use during the plandemic, in fact, a survey found that there was a 40% increase in the consumption of cannabis and a decrease in other drugs like cocaine and Ecstacy.

Why do we smoke?

Italy saw some of the most fierce lockdown measures in terms of freedom, during a period of time where human rights were stripped from the people, with little to no scientific evidence-based fact being produced.

So its no wonder there was a large increase in cannabis sales and usage, since time began animals on this planet have self-medicated in times of hardship or stress.

italy cannabis rush

We have seen it with water buffalo in Vietnam, during the Vietnam war, previous to the bombing, the buffalo had never broken into the poppy fields to chew the poppies.

Elephants eating the rotting Marula fruit from the floor to get tipsy from its fermentation.

The list of animals that ingest something to alter their state of mind is endless and incredibly interesting, from doped up wallabies to tripping Jaguars and reindeer, animals clearly have figured out a thing or two.

Green Italy today

It is no secret that Italians love to smoke, and in fact, in most big cities you can legally walk into a coffee/weed shop and pick up some bud.

in the last few years, Italy has made some major changes to its cannabis laws.

But there is a slight catch, the flower being sold inside these stores is one of the CBD variety, and not strong in THC.

Although the weed being sold does contain small amounts of THC – they say it’s not enough to get you high, with percentages of 1% and less.

italy cannabis rush

Italy CBD/ Light weed Boom

Italy is currently going through a CBD legal flower boom.

For example, the city of Turin saw a 240% increase in legal cannabis sales, and most cities in Italy saw a huge increase in 2020.

Would you say it’s because humans are trying to better relieve their stress, and self-medicate like the buffalos, or is it simply the novelty plus marketing madness CBD has seen in recent years?

italy cannabis rush

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