What Is Cannabidivarin : CBDV?

The cannabis plant is known to have over a hundred cannabinoid compounds, including the well-known THC and CBD. These compounds interact in unique ways and provide many benefits for both the body and the mind.

Today, Cannadaily dive into the yet unknown cannabidivarin, otherwise known as CBDV.

What is CBDV?

CBDV is a “secondary” cannabinoid of the cannabis plant as it is present in lower concentrations than THC and CBD. CBDV is found in cannabis strains that are low in THC. It is not a psychoactive compound and therefore does not get you high. 

Despite the small amount of scientific studies on CBDV, science shows that this compound shares a very similar chemical structure and mechanisms of action with CBD.

What are the effects of CBDV on the body?

Several preliminary studies examined the potential effects of CBDV on the body.

  • CBDV and epilepsy

In 2013, the British Journal of Pharmacology published a study examining the anticonvulsant potential of CBDV extracts in rats and mice suffering from epilepsy. The results showed that the cannabinoid offers positive results in this regard.

  • CBDV and autism

The potential of CBDV in modulating inhibitory and excitatory systems in the brain led a group of researchers to observe its therapeutic effects in autism spectrum disorder.

In 2019, researchers from the magazine Translational Psychiatry claimed that CBDV had an effect on glutamate levels in the brain. However, as the effects were not uniform among all patients participating in the study, the authors concluded that more research would be needed to determine the potential of CBDV as a treatment for autism.

  • CBDV and nausea

Cannabis is known to be effective as a treatment for stomach aches, nausea and vomiting. In 2013, the British Journal of Pharmacology published a comparative study that examined the antiemetic potential of CBDV. The researchers concluded that CBDV appears to reduce markers associated with upset stomachs.

  • CBDV and Rett Syndrome

Rett syndrome is a rare genetic mutation that primarily impacts women and affects brain development. The syndrome is characterized by profound disabilities that affect the person’s ability to speak, coordinate their body, or grow properly.

It is known that the endocannabinoid system mediates many biological functions. These biological functions being impacted by the Rett syndrome, researchers decided to test the effectiveness of CBDV in the treatment of its symptoms. A 2018 study published in the magazine Neuropharmacology looked at the effects of CBD on mice suffering from Rett syndrome. After 14 days of CBDV treatment, researchers noted an overall improvement in the health status of the mice, as well as an improvement in behavioral impairment and a diminution of brain atrophy.

Although medical research around CBDV is starting to show up, it is yet far insufficient to consider CBDV as a medical treatment. More study is needed to understand this compound in its globality. 

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