cannabis in Ayurveda

النبات المقدس: القنب في الأيورفيدا

هل يمكن أن يكون استهلاك المنتجات المشتقة من القمب علاجًا ووسيلة للوقاية من عدد كبير من الأمراض المزمنة؟
تمت الإجابة على هذا السؤال منذ أميال السنين من قبل حكماء الايورفيدا في الهند ، الذين اعتبروا القمب أحد نباتاتهم الخمسة المقدسة.

التقليد الذي تم تناقله عن طريق الفم الأيورفيدا أقدم علم طبي معروف -. بدأ التسجيل منذ أكثر من 5000 عام ، باللغة السنسكريتية ، في النصوص الأربعة المقدسة التي تسمى الفيدا. الأيورفيدا هي الحياة ، والفيدا هي المعرفة ، والأيورفيدا تعني حرفياً "علم الحياة". ونعم ، تنص نظرية الأيورفيدا على أن جميع مجالات الحياة لها تأثير على الصحة. إنها ممارسة أو طريقة شاملة مصممة لمواءمة جميع القوى التي تحكم وتدمج الجسد والحواس والعقل والروح. لقد ثبت أن ذلك فعال منذ آلاف السنين في مكافحة وعلاج أمراض واضطرابات الجسم

cannabis and ayurveda

الماريجوانا ، والمعروفة باسم فيجايا أو سيدي, is indicated for many things. As a treatment for mental illnesses, skin infections, hypertension, glaucoma, and acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, stimulant of the digestive and nervous system, or even as an aphrodisiac. The entire plant – flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds – is used. It is prepared and administered in various ways. The most common being a kind of resin or hash with the name of charas and with great narcotic properties. Still considering its innumerable benefits, Ayurvedic prescriptions also warn us about its continued and abusive consumption. It can encourage the confused intellect or pragya-aparadh and unbalances the forces inherent to the body brutalizing the soul. It is a healing element, not a substance for recess.

CBD since Ayurveda

The teachings of Ayurveda are an outstanding, demonstrable and current testimony of the many applications of cannabis in modern medicine. Specifically CBD or cannabidiol for its non-intoxicating properties. This compound has a restorative function in the body, acting in synergy with its natural functions, and in regulated therapeutic doses it can help to increase attention and alertness or promote relaxation to achieve balance.

cannabis and ayurveda

Numerous scientific tests have shown that كانابيديول is an effective remedy to combat chronic diseases such as depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, pain or epilepsy. Diseases for which conventional medicine prescribes “addictive” or creates dependency – consumed by more than 30% of the world’s population – and the results simply suppress the symptoms but do not act in the body in an integral way to combat and cure the origin of the disease.

A promising horizon

However, today the symbiosis between two growing trends allows us to draw a very promising horizon. As regards the prevention and cure of a large number of chronic diseases. The boom is happening in the search for alternative treatments versus those offered by conventional allopathic medicine. More integrative and less aggressive for the body, such as Ayurveda. And secondly, the growing legalization of both consumption and production of cannabis. With the consequent development of products, technologies and new applications of one of the most profitable industries in recent years.

cannabis and ayurveda

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