An Oral Peptide Would Decrease The Side Effects Of Cannabis

Oral peptides could complement medical cannabis in the treatment of pain. The latter could limit the harmful side effects of marijuana on memory and cognitive functions.

Some effective treatments are based on opioids but can make patients dependent.

Marijuana takes a toll on memory.

Several studies have proven the effectiveness of medical cannabis in relieving chronic pain, with a lower risk of addiction. But even medical marijuana remains dangerous due to its harmful side effects on patients’ memory and cognitive functions.

A recent study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, may make a difference. Researchers have just found a solution to reduce the side effects of cannabis: administering an oral peptide to patients. Peptides are molecules made up of several dozen amino acids. They can be synthesized by the body or provided through food. Peptides have various functions in the body; some can act as neurotransmitters or hormones.

Oral peptides would decrease the side effects of cannabis.

In their study, the scientists first studied mice that they had given medical cannabis. They found that by injecting two peptides into their brains, the mice had more minor memory problems caused by THC, the active hallucinogenic ingredient in marijuana. The other part of the study consisted of improving these peptides to make them smaller and orally active to administer them easily. They gave it to the mice, along with an injection of THC, and then tested their pain and how the cannabis effect affected their memory. The results were convincing: those who received the peptide orally were relieved of pain without having side effects on their memory. The others, who received only THC, had lower memory capacity. Last positive aspect: this peptide did not cause any side effects on the health of the mice.

Ultimately, doctors could prescribe this oral peptide alongside therapeutic cannabis to reduce its side effects on cognitive functions without limiting its benefits in pain management.

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